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Kungfu double weapons

The "double weapons" (one weapon in each hand), are handled in a coordinated way. In this category you will find a wide range of double swords, double swords, double hooks, ... For double knives refer to the category knives

299,99 €179,99
  in stock
  45-90 working days
  45-90 working days
Showing 1 - 64 of 64 items

Kungfu double weapons

The handling of double weapons requires a lot of training.
Indeed, it is to be taken into account here that you must be at ease with your 2 hands and therefore have the same dexterity of the right and the left hand.

The advantages of dual weapons
Although it is hard to learn to have the same ease with the right and left hand, the handling of double weapons represents a real advantage. It is recommended to use one's strong hand (the hand one uses best) to attack.