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Here, explore our full range of thermoformable mouthguards: single, double, standard, gel, pro, "Challenger", "Predator"...

Showing 1 - 64 of 64 items


Whether you are a novice or a professional, martial arts and combat sports require protective gear for certain body parts.
Among these accessories, the mouthguard is arguably the most important and is therefore a must.

The mouthguard is a moulded synthetic piece that is inserted inside the mouth to protect the mucosa, tongue and teeth.

Advantages of the mouthguard

Its main role is to prevent oral injuries.
It allows to:

  • prevent shocks between the teeth of the lower and upper jaws
  • avoid lacerations to the lips
  • prevent tongue puncture
  • reduce the risk of fractures

It is essential that the mouthguard fits your jaw perfectly.
Thus, it is important to mould it.

How to mould a mouthguard?
  • Soak the mouthguard in boiling water for ten or fifteen seconds, then
  • Dip it in cold water so as not to burn yourself.
  • Put it in the mouth and bite it while breathing in to circulate the air between the teeth.

If the operation goes well, no discomfort should be felt.
Finally, do not neglect the maintenance of your mouthguard. Regular maintenance will ensure that the mouthguard lasts a long time.

Today, the mouthguard exists in two versions, namely the single and the double.
The first one offers protection for the upper jaw only while the second one provides full protection for the dentition.

You will find a wide range of tooth protection items on Dragonsports. In addition, we have been keen to diversify our items so that everyone can find the accessory that best suits their style.