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Chinese Shuttlecock, Jianzi «Shaolin Soccer»

Price (tax incl.) :
4,99 €
Availability :
15-20 working days
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The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 1
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This accessory is not very well known in Europe, but it's quite popular in China, and if you go for a walk in a Chinese park (preferably in the morning), you're likely to come across it. The game (Ti Jian Zi) is played by 2 players or more, and simply consists of passing the shuttlecock back and forth, as you would with a ball (like in football-volleyball). Except that the shuttlecock doesn't bounce, so you have to send it back before it hits the ground... It's far from easy at first, and requires a certain amount of dexterity.

This type of shuttlecock reacts a bit like a badminton shuttlecock.

Product #11900

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Estimated delivery :
Wed 19th - Sat Mar 29th

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